Student Name | Dissertation Tittle | Suppervisor | |
Shakeh Markarian | Responses of wheat root cell plasma membrane to zinc uptake from ZnSO4 and ZnO nanoparticles under cold stress | Dr. Shariatmadari - Dr. Shirvani | |
Azizi, K | Assessing the efficiency of remote and proximal soil sensing for digital mapping of soil properties and effects of sampling pattern and density on their prediction accuracy | Dr. Ayoubi | |
Nazari, S | Digital soil and land productivity indices mapping and their association with Wheat yield production in a part area of Ilam Province | Dr. Ayoubi | |
Nazari, P | Spatial prediction of soil loss and deposition rate by incorporating of digital soil mapping and 137Cs techniques in Aji_CHai watershed, eastern Azerbaijan | Dr. Ayoubi-Dr. Khademi | |
Karimi, S | Kinetics of production of humic substances from different organic wastes during the process of composting and vermicomposting | Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari | |
Taghizadeh, A | Wilting point, water and salinity distribution, and water uptake of synthetic, modern, durum and emmer wheats as affected by combined drought and salinity stresses | Dr. Mosaddeghi | |
Nouri, Z | The impact of Ag nanoparticles on growth, physiological responses and rhizosphere properties of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) under natural and elevated carbon dioxide concentrations | Dr. Shirvani-Dr. Eshghizadeh | |
Moradi, R | Feasibility of using liches and mosses as biomonitors and biomagnetic monitors to estimate pollution and their influence on soil formation in the Isfahan area | Dr. Khademi | |
MAliadehFakhr, F | The effects of combined synthetic and bio-surfactants on physical quality indices of crude oil contaminated soil through phytoremediation using Kochia (Kochia scoparia) | Dr. Hajabbasi | |
Ghavami, MS | Evaluation of digital mapping techniques in predicting sediment and runoff using RUSLE2 and SWAT models in a part of the watershed of Zayandeh Rood dam. | Dr. Ayoubi | |
Gholami, Z | The effect of light emitting diodes (LED) irradiation on plant morphophysiological traits and rhizosphere soil physical quality under drought stress conditions | Dr. Mosaddeghi-Sabzalian | |
Ahmadvand, A | ![]()
Dr. Khalili-Dr. Mosaddeghi | |
Nasiri, M | Root zone properties and root water uptake pattern in synthetic and common wheats as compared with two relative species | Dr. Mosaddeghi | |
Dr. Mousavi, M | Relationships between geochemistry of heavy metals and magnetic susceptibility of street dust and urban soils and possibility of using tree bark as biomonitor and magnetic biomonitor | Dr. Khademi | |
KeyhaniNejad, R | The effect of soil density and moisture on the productivity of single-plant and mixed production systems of barley (Hordeum vulgare L) and fodder pea (Pisum sativum L) along with inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobium bacteria | Dr. Hajabbasi-Dr. Eshghizadeh | |
Karimian, F | Prediction of total petroleum hydrocarbons using the combination of proximal techniques (spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility) in petroleum cntaminated soils | Dr. Ayoubi | |
Azizi, K | Efficiency of remote sensing and proxiaml soil sensing in digital mapping of soil properties and the effect of sampling pattern and density on its predictive accuracy. | Dr. Ayoubi | |
ZakerMoshfeg,A | Comparison of important properties of atmospheric dust, street dust, and date palm leaf associated dust in selected area of Khuzistan Province | Dr. Khademi | |
Yousefi, M | The effect of the application of spent mushroom compost (SMC), SMC humus extract, humic acid and gypsum on the responses of quinoa plant and soil properties under different salinity treatments. | Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari | |
Gavili, E | The role of soil properties and aging in regulating sorption and biological effects of Ag nanoparticles and Ag ions in calcareous soils | Dr. Shirvani-Dr. Khalili | |
Tayari, F | The effect of fertilizer management on symplastic and apoplastic distribution of zinc in leaves and roots and improving the nutritional value of wheat | Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari-Shahbazi | |
Seidi, K | Characterization of soil potassium availability indices and their spatial relationship with soil and landscape attributes in Ghorveh plain, western Iran | ||
SalehNejad,R | Retention, transport, and biological effects of nickel ferrite nanoparticles in soil columns cultivated with wheat plants | Dr. Shirvani-Dr. Mosaddeghi | |
Naeimi, S | Spatial prediction of some soil properties by combining environmental variables, remote and proximal sensing in Afzer region of Fars province. | Dr. Ayoubi | |
Fouladvand, S | Assessing the risk of irrigation with urban wastewater on the accumulation of cadmium and nitrate in rice, wheat, corn and some vegetables and the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil in Khoram Abad plain. | Dr. Afyuni | |
ShahNazari, S | ![]()
Dr. Hajabbasi-Dr. Khalili | |
Saeidi, T | Modeling of water flow in soil with HYDRUS 2D/3D software and effect of slope aspect on soil physical and chemical properties | Dr. Afyuni-Dr. Mosaddeghi | |
Saadati, N | Soil reinforcement by rangeland plant roots: experimental, modeling and application in soil conservation | Dr. Mosaddeghi | |
Entezami, E | Effect of plant root system on transport and retention/uptake of silver nanoparticles by soil/plant in column studies | Dr. Mosaddeghi-Dr. Shirvani | |
AmirMohammadi, M | Spatial and seasonal variability of streat dust and urban soil properties in Kerman province and feasibility of using urban trees as biomonitor | Dr. Khademi | |
Ebrahim, T | Remediation of salt-affected soils by rice paddy husk biochar and urban waste compost and their effect on soil productivity and sorghum plant growth | Dr. Hajabbasi | |
Masoodi, F | Feasibility of applying the biodegradable ligands MGDA and GLDA in supplying, extracting, and enhancing available zinc in calcareous soils | Dr. Shirvani-Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari | |
Markarian, S | Responses of plasma membrane of wheat root cells to zinc absorption from different sources of ZnSO4 and ZnO nanoparticles under cold stress | Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari-Dr. Shirvani | |
Khosrozadeh, S | The relationship between protease activity and soil amino acids and spatial distribution of oxidases in soil | Dr. Nourbakhsh | |
Parsadoost, F | Interactions of Lead and montmorillonite STx-1b in the Presence of EDTA, MGDA, and GLDA Ligands | Dr. Shirvani-Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari | |
Mansour Shasavar, A | Effects of application of apple tree branches' biochar on soil quality indicators, and yield and essence of two thymus species in dry and irrigated farming conditions | Dr. Mosaddeghi | |
Asgari, N | Prediction of spatial variability of some soil classes and properties by combining environmental, remote sensing, and proximal sensing data in Jonghan region of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. | Dr. Ayoubi | |
Saffari, N | The effect of biochar on soil physical and hydraulic properties and uncertainty analysis of NST 3.0 model in predicting phosphorus uptake under corn cultivation | Dr. Hajabbasi-Shirani | |
Saedi, T | The effect of tall fescue-endophyte symbiosis on responses to aeration and mechanical stresses, soil available water limits, and water distribution around root | Dr. Mosaddeghi | |
Zamani, N | The effect of carbon dioxide increase on cadmium removal plant and some physicochemical properties of soil by long fescue lines with endophytes | Dr. Afyuni | |
RezaeeiNejad, R | Physical, chemical and clay mineralogical properties of soils influenced by wild almond tree (Amygdalus arabica) rhizosphere and the effect of drought stress on weathering | Dr. Khademi | |
Rashidi, OL | The effect of amendments in coarse-textured soil on wheat yield and water use efficiency and the evaluation of the efficiency of the CERES-Wheat model in Jiroft region. | Dr. Hajabbasi | |
Daneshvar, S | The effect of biochar and hydrochar on soil physical quality indicators and water absorption by pistachio seeds | Dr. Afyuni | |
Jafari, F | Biological weathering of selected silicate minerals as influenced by earthworm activity and its impact on plant growth | Dr. Khademi | |
Banitalebi, G | Determination of physical and hydraulic properties of organic and inorganic growth media and their application for cucumber production | Dr. Mosaddeghi | |
MohammadiAria, M | Investigating the kinetics of biodegradation of diazinon and imidacloprid in soil and their transfer to plants with the help of ion mobility spectrometer | Dr. Nourbakhsh-Jafari | |
AzimZadeh, B | The formation of metal complexes by the secretions of earthworms and its effect on the interaction of metals and clay minerals. | Dr. Shirvani-Haddadzadeh | |
Zare, AA | Cadmium uptake by lettuce from a soil treated with biosolids contining different ratios of cadmium to zinc (Cd/Zn) and its human risk assessment | Dr. Khoshgoftarmanesh-Malakooti | |
Rafie, MR | The effect of foliar nutrition of zinc aminocates on the absorption, apoplasmic and symplasmic uptake and subcellular distribution of zinc in leaves, growth attributes, yield and quality of onion. | Dr. Khoshgoftar-Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari | |
Eskandari, S | Effect of foliarapplication of different manganese sources on cell wall biochemical modification of cucumber leaf infected with powdery mildew disease. | Dr. Khoshgoftarmanesh-Sharifnabi | |
Kelishadi, H | Effect of ambient temperature on soil structural stability, hydraulic and mechanical properties, and splash and rill erosion | Dr. Mosaddeghi | |
Alidoost, E | The effect of land use on organic carbon deposition in soil and modeling its changes in Lordegan watershed. | Dr. Afyuni-Dr. Hajabbasi | |
Shahroukh, V | Formation of soils under arid-semi-arid border climate and changes in clay minerals in the rhizosphere of some compounds in Darab city, Fars province | Dr. Khademi | |
Sepehrnia, N | Transmission and maintenance of Escherichia coli and Rhodococcus erythropolis in hydrophobic and hydrophilic soils | Dr. Hajabbasi-Dr. Afyuni | |
Zeraatpisheh, M | Digital Soil Mapping and Scaling of Soil Classes and Some of Soil Properties in a Selected Area in Chaharmahal-Va-Bakhtiari Province | Dr. Ayoubi | |
Tajick, S | Biodiversity and pedodiversity in forest soils of Shasat Kalate, Golestan province | Dr. Ayoubi | |
Yahaghi, Z | Isolation and characterization of metal-solubilizing bacteia from contaminated soils and their bioaugmentation effects on the mobility and phytoavailability of soil toxic metals and phytoremediation of a polluted soil | Dr. Shirvani-Dr. Nourbakhsh | |
Nazari, Vahab | The biological interaction of Paenibacillus polymyxa with some micro-organisms and seedlings in laboratory conditions and its effect on the growth characteristics of tall fescue plants under drought stress conditions | Dr. Nourbakhsh-Sabzalian | |
SharifiSedeh, M | Changes in chemical composition of cell wall and physiological characteristics of alfalfa root in response to toluene pollution and silicon nutrition | Dr. KhoshgoftarManesh | |
Dalir, N | Investigating the properties of nickel absorption and transport under the influence of some rhizosphere amino acids in wheat | Dr. KhoshgoftarManesh | |
Mohaseli, V | Changes in iron concentration and antioxidant response of plants to air pollution | Dr. Khoshgoftar-Dr. Shariat | |
Lotfi, Y | Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on soil structure stability, soil physical quality plant available water at different salinity levels | Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari-Dr. Khoshgoftar | |
Salimizadeh, M | Removal of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from contaminated soils using phytoremediation and bioaugmentation of PCB-degrading bacteria | Dr. Shirvani-Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari | |
Rahmatpour, S | Retention, transport and biological effects of silver nanoparticles in calcareous soils | Dr. Shirvani-Dr. Mosaddeghi | |
Nourouzi, S | Spatial and temporal variability of dust properties in the Isfahan area and feasibility of plane tree leaves for biomonitoring air pollution | Dr. Khademi | |
NaderiZadeh, Z | Distribution of palygorskite and associated clay minerals in Tertiary parent materials, soils, and dust in selected areas of Bushehr Province | Dr. Khademi | |
AbbasZadeh, F | Digital soil mapping uisng of geophysical techniques in estimating some soil properties in Bam region of Kerman province. | Dr. Ayoubi | |
Zamani, J | The effect of the symbiosis of Piriformospora indica fungus on the root system of corn and the quality of soil contaminated with oil | Dr. Hajabbasi-Alaeei | |
Doroostkar, Vajiheh | The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on building stability, physical quality of soil and usable water for plants at different salinity levels | Dr. Khademi | |
Khayamim, F | Application of vis-NIR spectrometry to estimate selected chemical and clay mineralogical characteristics of surface soils in the Isfahan Province | Dr. Khademi | |
Khanmohammadi, Z | Effect of sewage sludge and its biochar on soil physical properties and zinc, lead and nitrate dynamics in the soil under corn | Dr. Afyuni-Dr. Mosaddeghi | |
Hosseini, F | Effect of endophytic fungus-plant symbiosis on soil water availability and physical properties, and plant growth under drought and mechanical stresses | Dr. Mosaddeghi-Dr. Hajabbasi | |
Nourouzi, M | Effects of preceding crop and application of plant residues, organic and chemical fertilizers, and industrial wastes on chemical forms of zinc in rhzisphere and bulk soil and its relationship with wheat grain zinc concentration | Dr. Khoshgoftar-Dr. Afyuni | |
Nahidan, S | The effect of slope position on the activity distribution, kinetic and thermodynamic constants of amidohydrolases and abundance of amoA gene reserves in soils. | Nahidan, S | |
Ghasemi, S | Synthesis and characterization of iron and zinc aminochelates and evaluation of their efficiency on the antioxidant, yield and nutritional quality of plant | Dr. Khoshgoftar-Dr. Afyuni | |
SheikhHoseini, AR | Interactions of nickel with palygorskite, sepiolite and calcite minerals in the presence of some chelating ligands | Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari-Dr. Shirvani | |
Bakhtiari, S | Feasibility of using some natural and modified Iranian clays as sorbent and carrier of 2,4-D herbicide | Dr. Shirvani-Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari | |
Yeganeh, M | Modeling the process of accumulation of heavy elements in the surface soils of Hamedan province and determining the resulting risk for human health. | Dr. Afyuni-Dr. Khoshgoftar | |
Shekofteh, H | Modeling of nitrate leaching from the soil under potato cultivation and tip drip irrigation using HYDRUS-2D and soft computing techniques. | Dr. Afyuni-Dr. Hajabbasi | |
BesalatPour, AA | Soil erosion risk modeling in Bazfat watershed using fuzzy logic algorithm, SWAT model and fuzzy genetic-clustering algorithm. | Dr. Hajabbasi-Dr. Ayoubi | |
YousefiFard, M | Development and evolution of soils developed on some igneous rocks in northwest Iran | Dr. Ayoubi-Dr. Jalalian | |
MehnatKesh, AH | Soil landscape modeling and prediction of dry-wheat production using different models in central Zagros. | Dr. Ayoubi-Dr. Jalalian | |
Hojati, S | Distribution pattern, genesis and stability of fibrous clay minerals in selected soils and associated Tertiary sediments in central Iran and Zagros regions | Dr. Jalalian-Dr. Ayoubi-Landi | |
Jafari, A | Soil-landscape modelling and digital soil mapping in Zarand region of Kerman | Dr. Ayoubi-Dr. Khademi | |
Dr. Khalili, B | Study of cellulolytic fungi, isozyme pattern and measurement of kinetic and thermodynamic constants of cellulase enzyme in soils affected by land use change. | Dr. Nourbakhsh-Nili | |
Hamidpou, M | Adsorption and desorption of cadmium and lead by bentonite and zeolite minerals | Dr. Afyuni-Dr. Kalbasi | |
Hejazi, M | The effect of zinc and copper nutrition on some physiological, biochemical and antioxidant properties of rosemary in saline conditions. | Dr. Shariat-Dr. Khoshgoftar | |
Baghaei, AH | Changes in chemical forms of lead and its phytoability to corn and sunflower in soil treated with mineral salt and biosolids enriched with lead | KoshGoftar-Dr. Afyuni | |
Karami, M | Modeling fluxes of zinc transfer from soil into selected crops and their dependence on soil, plant and land management factors under arid conditions | Dr. Afyuni-Dr. Khoshgoftar | |
Soleimani, M | The effect of endophytic fungi on phytoremediation of cadmium, arsenic and petroleum contaminants | Dr. Hajabbasi-Dr. Afyuni | |
Dr. KhaliliMoghadam, B | Estimation of shear strength, saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil permeability using soil transfer functions and artificial neural network | Dr. Afyuni-Dr. Jalalian | |
Chavoushi, E | Modeling the movement of fluoride and investigating factors affecting its movement in soil under field conditions | Dr. Afyuni-Dr. Hajabbasi | |
Nael, M | The effect of parent material and soil genesis on the distribution of selected major and trace elements in forest soils of Fuman-Masuleh area | Dr. Jalalian-Dr. Khademi | |
Karimi, A | Soil development, provenance and chronostratigraphy of silty deposits in landforms of Mashhad area | Dr. Khademi-Dr. Jalalian | |
Houseinifar, J | Mineralogical and chemical transformations of selected K-bearing minerals in pistachio and wheat root zone | Dr. Khademi-Dr. Kalbasi | |
Abbaspour, A | Effects of alfalfa powder, salinity and redox on the distribution of species and forms of cadmium and lead in some contaminated soils. | Dr. Kalbasi-Hajrasuliha | |
Dr. Shirvani, M | Interactions of cadmium with palygorskite, sepiolite, and calcite minerals | Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari-Dr. Kalbasi | |
Afzali, F | ![]()
Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari-Dr. Hajabbasi | |
Kiani, F | Defforestation and land use change effects on soil quality indicators and evaluation of LISEM model in estimation of erosion and sedimentation in Pasang basin, Golestan province. | Dr. Jalalian-Dr. Pashaei | |
Sheklabadi, M | The role of grazing exclusion, climate and vegetation on controlling selected soil quality attributes and carbon sequestration in Central Zagros, Iran | Dr. Khademi-Dr. Keghbal | |
Toomanian, N | Landscape evolution, pedodiversity and mapping of some pedogenic attributes of soils in central Iran | Dr. Jalalian-Dr. Khademi | |
HashemiMajd, K | Structural changes of organic waste materials in vermicompost production process and the effect of vermicompost on some soil properties and plant growth | Dr. Kalbasi-Dr. Golchin | |
Sayiad, GA | Simulating the movement of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc under two root systems in a calcareous soil | Dr. Afyuni-Dr. Mousavi | |
Solhi, M | Phytoremediation of soils contaminated with lead and zinc elements and the use of zinc radioisotope to study the behavior of zinc in soil and plants. | Dr. Hajabbasi-Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari | |
Sharifi, M | Nitrogen absorption and its relationship with root characteristics in potato | Dr. Hajabbasi-Dr. Kalbasi | |
Dr. Khoshgoftarmanesh, AH | Zinc efficiency of some wheat cultivars under soil salinity conditions and its correlation with soil soluble zinc and cadmium species. | Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari-Dr. Keghbal | |
Amini, M | Modeling heavy metal accumulation and assessing its uncertainty in agro-ecosystems of Isfahan region | Dr. Afyuni-Dr. Khademi | |
Dr. Nourbakhsh, F | Urease activity in some soils of Isfahan Province | Dr. Dr. Shariatmadari-Dr. Emtiazi | |
Dr. Mosaddeghi, MR | Pre-compaction stress and its relationship with the physical and mechanical properties of selected soils in Isfahan | Dr. Hajabbasi-Dr. Hemmat | |
Farpour, MH | Relationship between geomorphology and gypsiferous soils development in Rafsanjan area | Dr. Keghbal-Dr. Khademi | |
Salehi, MH | Soil genesis and variability in selected mapping units in Farrokhshahr area, Shehrekord | Dr. Keghbal-Dr. Khademi | |
Dr. Ayoubi, S | Study of pedogenic evidence of Quaternary climate change in ancient soils in Isfahan and Imam Qais Chaharmahal Bakhtiari region. | Dr. Keghbal-Dr. Jalalian | |
Naghavi, H | Fitting curve models of moisture characteristics and movement of solutes in soil, under the influence of animal manure | Dr. Afyuni-Dr. Hajabbasi | |
Shirani, H | Effect of tillage system and farmyard manure on root morphology of corn | Dr. Hajabbasi-Dr. Afyuni | |
Karimzadeh, HR | The formation and evolution of soils in different landforms and the origin of wind-eroded sediments in the eastern region of Isfahan | Dr. Jalalian | |
Kavoosi, M | Studying the effective factors in the absorption of potassium from the soil by rice plants and determining the suitable extractant for potassium in some paddy fields of Gilan. | Dr. Kalbasi | |
SafariSenejani, A | Biodegradation of some agricultural residues and evaluation of the effectiveness of lingucellulolytic enzymes of fungi in soil | Dr. Emtiazi | |
Houseinpour, A | A study of potassium fixation, quantity-intensity of potassium and release rate of non-exchangeable potassium in a number of Iranian soils. | Dr. Kalbasi | |
Torabi, H | Investigating the formation and evolution of the soils along the Sefidroud River in central Gilan | Dr. Keghbal-Dr. Givi |
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