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Water engineering


Water Engineering Department was established in the early 1977s at Isfahan University of Technology to train the students so that they could properly manage and design of irrigation systems. This department has aimed to increase the quality in all aspects of irrigation sciences. Our mission is to expand and transfer knowledge for increasing of irrigation efficiency water management on farm. Our academic members are teaching and researching in different fields of Water Engineering including Irrigation and Drainage, Water Resources and Water structures. Our department is supported with advanced research laboratories and specialized facilities to support research studies and graduate students' thesis and dissertations, as well as offering services to the industry.

Academic Programs

Our Department provides academic programs for the degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Water Science and Engineering. It also offers graduate studies leading to the degrees of Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Water Resource, Irrigation and Drainage and Water Structure. Besides, we have Ph.D. programs in Irrigation and Drainage.


The Department of Water Engineering offers a program at the undergraduate level too. This program is designed for students preparing themselves for professional work on farms, and also for those seeking further graduate training in irrigation. Undergraduate students must pass 20 credit hours of general, 24 credit hours of basic courses, 86 credit hours of obligatory courses, and 10 credit hours of elective courses (140 credits in total) to qualify for the Degree of B.Sc. in Water Science and Engineering.


The Department of Water Engineering offers programs for the degrees in Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. The graduate programs attract students in different fields such as Water Resource, Irrigation and Drainage and Water Structure . Students must pass 32 and 36 (including thesis or dissertation) course credits for M.Sc. and Ph.D., respectively. Graduate students must conduct an original research study for their thesis or dissertation, and defend their findings in an oral presentation after acceptance of a research paper.

Admitted students

We accept international students in the coming semesters for both M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs.The Ph.D is as research base in Irrigation and Drainage and M.Sc. in Sustainable Management of Water and Climate Change (SMWCC). The (SMWCC) program will be known as an interdisciplinary graduate program between Water Engineering Department in College of Agriculture, Department of Mathematical Science, Department of Natural Resources, and Department of Chemical Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT). The SMWCC program will provide a balanced program of study in the science of climate change, water science and management in the context of climate change. The program will help students develop a thorough understanding of hydrologic processes as well as their variability, change and interrelationships. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of numerical modeling (both physically-based and stochastic), statistical methods, and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The program also will help students gain a broad understanding of the field of climate change science, water resources engineering and related disciplines.
 Admission to our graduate program will be highly competitive. Students are to contact initially with their master of interest for vacancy position. The minimum criteria for admission can be found in Admission Requirement for IUT. Applicants should hold at least a B.Sc. degree or its equivalent in Water Science and Engineering from a credible institution. Beyond these minimum requirements, the admission committee looks for intellectual potential by reviewing the previous performance in university coursework. If the applicant has published papers, attachment of one or two of these and a description of their impact are encouraged. The candidate's statement should include a description of the research interests as well as their motivation for pursuing graduate education.

Transfer students

Department of Water Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology accepts transferring students for joint projects or sabbatical programs.

Research Fields

The research initiatives carried out in IUT Department of Water Engineering cover a range of topics including:

  • Irrigation and Drainage
  • Water Structure
  • Water Resource

Graduate research and projects in the Irrigation and Drainage program typically consider topics such as:

  • Applying of DSSAT program for determination of water use efficiency  and nitrate leaching under subsurface and surface drip irrigation in the field.
  • Simulation of water and solute transport in soil using HYDRUS software and its application in irrigation water management.
  • Simulation of flow through coarse porous media.
  • Quality modeling of  the constructed wetland with different bed materials.

Graduate research and projects in the Water Structure program typically consider topics such as:

  • Hydraulic jump with different condition as positive slop.
  • Scouring of bridge pier in experimental flume.

Graduate research and projects in the Water Resource program typically consider topics such as:

  • Drought characterization and prediction
  • Evaporation from water bodies and soils
  • Hydrologic effects of climate change
  • Hydrologic impacts of large-scale atmospheric and oceanic interactions (i.e. ENSO & PDO)
  • Hydro-climatology and hydrometeorology 
  • Water reuse, desalination and Water Purification
  • Human impacts on hydrologic processes
  • Numerical modeling of hydrologic systems
  • Rainfall-runoff modeling of watersheds and river basins
  • Risk and uncertainty analysis of water resources systems
  • Stochastic analysis, modeling, and simulation of hydrological processes
  • Water quality and hydrologic processes

Research projects

  • Evaluation and qualitative modeling of hybrid constructed wetlands for domestic wastewater treatment 
  • Design and Engineering of Smart Water Management for Irrigation Systems Based on Integrated Processing of the Water, Soil, Plant and Atmosphere Data (IPSIM)
Jahangir Abedi Koupai

Water engineering
Head of Department, Faculty, Professor
  • 031-33913433-2255-3300
Saeid Eslamian

Water engineering
Faculty, Professor
  • 031-33913432
Elham Fazel

Water engineering
Faculty, Assistant professor
  • 031-33913347
Mahdi gheisari

Water engineering
Faculty, Associate Professor
  • 031-33913367
Alireza Gohari

Water engineering
Faculty, Associate Professor
  • 031-33913437
Manoochehr Heidarpoor

Water engineering
Faculty, Professor
  • 031-33913436
Mohammad Mehdi Matinzadeh

Water engineering
Faculty, Assistant professor
  • 031-33913502
Mohamad Shayan nejad

Water engineering
Deputy of Educational Affairs, Faculty, Professor
  • 031-33913456
Rasoul Ahmadi

Water engineering
Staff, Lab Instructor
  • 031-33913426
  • 031-33913360
Hosein Masoomi

Water engineering
Staff, Lab Instructor
  • 031-33913425
Elahe Rezaei

Rural development, Production and plant genetics, Horticultural science, Water engineering
  • 031-33913447

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